Second Consultation
The first consultation closed on the 5th June 2019, and sought responses on a series of questions regarding the DSB’s service and functionality from both direct and indirect users of the DSB. A total of 15 responses were received representing 19 institutions and included responses from 6 trade associations which is double the number from the previous consultation.
Of the 25 user driven questions put forward to industry, 5 were dismissed as not of interest to broader industry participants, and 10 are proposed to be taken forward by the DSB on a “business as usual” basis, with no impact on current costs. Included in those to be taken forward on a business as usual basis are the grouping of underlying data sources used by the DSB to be expanded, as well as highlighting specific aspects that they wish to see the DSB focus on as part of its ongoing data review activity.
A further 10 questions from the first consultation require further industry feedback and investigation and are included in the second consultation which will run until the 29th July 2019. The second consultation paper can be accessed via the button on the right.
A webinar will take place on Thursday 11th July 2019 at 1pm UTC (2pm BST (London), 1pm CEST, 9am EST) to provide industry with an opportunity to submit any questions following publication of the second consultation paper. To register for the webinar please click here
First Consultation
A webinar to address consultation related queries took place on Thursday 16th May 2019 setting out a series of proposed changes. The webinar set out the key themes in the first DSB Consultation Paper of 2019. The purpose of the webinar was to provide industry with an opportunity to submit any questions following publication of the first consultation paper on 9th May 2019. The initial consultation round closed at 5pm UTC on Wednesday 5th June 2019. The accompanying slide deck is designed to work in conjunction with the consultation document.Access the recording using the buttons on the right-hand side.
The DSB received 15 responses, representing a total of 19 institutions and are available below.
List of public and anonymized responses to consultation 1 with links to PDF files:
Fee Survey
The Fee Survey is now closed.
Consultation Timeline
Milestone | Date |
User fees survey | Mon 4 - Fri 15 Mar 2019 |
Formation and meeting of the group-wide agreement forum | Mar-Apr 2019 |
Publication of 1st DSB 2020 consultation document (CP1) | Thu 9 May 2019 |
1st DSB 2020 consultation webinar - 2pm UK time | Thu 16 May 2019 |
Industry feedback re CP1 | Thu 9 May - Wed 5 Jun 2019 |
Publication of 2nd DSB 2020 consultation document (CP2) | Fri 5 Jul 2019 |
2nd DSB 2020 consultation webinar @ 2pm UK time | Thu 11 Jul 2019 |
Industry feedback re CP2 | Fri 5 - Mon 29 Jul 2019 |
DSB 2020 final consultation report published | Mon 19 Aug 2019 |
DSB 2020 draft user agreement (UA) publication | Mon 19 Aug 2019 |
Deadline for industry feedback on proposed UA changes | Mon 2 Sep 2019 |
DSB 2020 final user agreement publication | Fri 20 Sep 2019 |
DSB 2020 final user agreement webinar @ 2pm UK time | Fri 20 Sep 2019 |