DSB attends global events to support market participants ahead of UPI mandates

DSB attends global events to support market participants ahead of UPI mandates

Following the launch of the Unique Product Identifier (UPI) Service in UAT, the Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) has been attending events worldwide to raise awareness and inform market participants on the UPI Service to ensure market readiness for global regulatory requirements. Events have taken place both in person and virtually with market groups from Australia and Europe, with more scheduled over the coming months.

Events attended to date include invitations from:

  • FIMA Connect Europe 2023, London
  • Cappitech EMIR Refit Forum, London
  • Bundesverband Deutscher Banken (Association of German Banks), Frankfurt
  • DTCC Client Forum, Sydney
  • Cappitech EMIR Refit Forum, Amsterdam
  • German asset management and fund industry trade association (BVI) Members Presentation, Frankfurt
  • Cappitech EMIR Refit Forum, Paris
  • Svensk Värdepappersmarknad (Swedish Securities Market Association) Members Presentation, Stockholm
  • Regis TR UK EMIR REFIT breakfast meeting, London

The presentations, led by the DSB Managing Director, Emma Kalliomaki, or other members of the DSB Management team, educate attendees on a range of topics related to the UPI Service such as onboarding, user types, alignment with other OTC derivative identifiers, and product coverage. Presentations are tailored to areas of interest for each audience, with an opportunity for questions, to ensure sessions are beneficial to the participants. The events have been well attended and the DSB looks forward to continuing to support industry preparations in advance of regulatory mandates.

The DSB is designated by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as the sole provider of the UPI Service for creation and distribution of UPIs. For further information about the UPI Service, self-help materials can be found on the DSB website here. If you are organising a forum which could benefit from DSB participation, please contact Secretariat@ANNA-DSB.com.

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